Monday, April 19, 2010

"We're Not Racists!" The Tea Party in Pictures

Lately the Tea Party leaders (I use the term "leaders" loosely because, according to their own statement: [] they have no leaders) having been shouting to anyone that will listen that they are not a racist organization. Many of my friends that are involved in the Tea Party are shocked and amazed at this perception. I believe the old maxim "a picture is worth a thousand words" would be appropriate at this time. I've logged onto several Tea Party sites and looked at what pictures they have posted. Let's take a look.

This is probably one of the most infamous pictures of the Tea Party's racism. Dale Robertson was at one time the self-proclaimed leader of the Tea Party. After this picture came out Tea Party leaders (they're who again?) distanced themselves from him. Robertson claimed the picture was doctored ...... six months later.

Obama as an African Witch Doctor. There's nothing wrong with that, right? Right?

A white guy with black face? I wonder how my black friends would feel about that if I showed up for dinner dressed in this.

Remember to buy souvenirs from the "rally."

Do I even need to comment?


Somebody should have told this guy his sign may not play well on the evening news.

African Americans love it when you call them monkeys. Isn't that kid cute? His mom must be washing his hood.

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